In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Reasons why I am single.

First of all, when I first set this up, I had it so that you couldn't leave a comment unless you had a blog, but I fixed it now so.... leave one or not. I will probably be okay either way. Probably.

This morning I met Matt Labeau for lunch at Panera, then to church where everyone welcomed me back from Egypt with hugs. Tonight went to dinner with Cindy, Kevin, and 3 other baseball boys at Burdick's where I got the Wisconsin Chicken which is this fried, breaded chicken stuffed with 3 cheeses and is basically the best dinner ever- aside from Olde Penninsula burgers with beer-battered fries which, I stand firm on, is the best anywhere. Especially if you order the apple pandowdy dessert afterwards. Seriously- don't you just love food?

As a side note, I love my guy friends, but I have reached the conclusion that it is their fault that I am single.
Reason #1: I hear all the girl stories from behind the scenes. One of my friends (who shall remain nameless...) once went on a date with three girls. On the same day. And none of them knew about the other. It is actually kind of impressive.
Reason #2: They tell me about all the things they say to girls, but don't really mean. These reasons vary from trying to get rid of a girl and not knowing how to do it to just not knowing what to do when they like a girl but don't really want to be in a relationship. Pat's motto (for everything, but especially regarding issues with the opposite sex) is, "It'll work itself out." :) We girls just eat it up and hear/see what we want. Ex) "Maybe he really is busy. Probably his computer broke and his cell phone got lost. Maybe someone broke into his house and STOLE his computer and cell! Awww! I hope he's ok!"
Reason #3: Guys have an uncanny ability to semi-like a girl and stay in some semblance of a relationship with them for an incredibly long time. I don't know how many times I've said this to one of my guy friends, "Yes, but WHY are you dating her if you don't even really LIKE her?" Responses usually go something like this, "Um...." or "I'm not really sure." or "She's nice, I guess." Hmmm....

Thus, I am unfairly skeptical of anything said to me that might fall into one of these categories. I am sorry to anyone I will date in the future that you will have to prove yourself to me. Talk to my guy friends. It's all their fault. Someday maybe I will name all of my cats after them.

And because that entry was kind of negative, I will leave you with a picture of me with one of my new Egyptian friends. The scarf thing was his idea... You can tell I was pretty psyched about it too though.


At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright Sara you asked for a comment. First I have to say I give it to you for posting blogs. Yours is the first blog I have ever read. I am a big journaler and I question if I would post them. Also I am quit enjoying the posting. You are quite the funny one. Regarding your comment that you are going to make it hard for a guy because you will make them prove everything to you, because you know all the lines, I say good for you.



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