In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ryan proposed

and I said yes. Lori especially has been on me to get pictures up and so heeeeere they are. Unfortunately, as it turns out, my camera does not have a close-up diamond ring setting, so this is the best I can do at this point. Here's MY version of the story and although I'm sure Ryan would tell it slightly different, it's my blog. So...

He came here to K-zoo this past Friday night and we went out to dinner which we often do. We went to Food Dance, which our favorite 'nice' place to eat because we get wine and gourmet food which is slightly different from the beer battered fries and burgers we most often opt for at our most favorite, Olde Penninsula. Anyway, we both got their amazing macaroni and cheese with chicken and a bottle of Riesling because I have successfully turned Ryan onto the fabulousness of wine. At one point in the night he was holding my hands under the table and slipped the ring on and then just looked at me. So I said, "You have to ask me now." Only I said it nicely, not like, bossy or anything. Seriously. And so he did and I said yes.

And then, we both got stomach aches from eating so much rich cheese and all that wine but we went out and bought a new game for the Wii anyway. It was a good night.

We are pretty sure we are going to have it here at the Lawton Community Center on August 1st.

And that's what I have for now. :)


At 7:02 PM, Blogger Lori said...

Yay! Yay! YAY! Love the story AND the pictures. Yeah, they should invent cameras that have the close-up diamond ring setting. I have not found one, yet. Perhaps that's what I will invent and become ridiculously rich. Ah.. I guess I can dream, can't I?

Is it an emerald cut or princess cut? I can't quite tell in the picture. Did he pick it out himself or did you drop a few hints here and there? It's BEAUTIFUL!

I know I've said it about 399 million times, but congrats! We (well, at least me..) are SO excited for you. Let us know if we can do anything to help. I'll be in K-zoo this summer so if you need help licking envelopes or something let me know. Only, I don't recommend using your tongue. Buy the glue-stick-licker-thing, it's totally worth the $3.12. Honestly.

At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations! And here's a tip for photographing the ring: your camera probably has a macro setting, usually represented by a small flower icon. That should work for the ring.


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