In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Monday, February 04, 2008

Monday night reflections.

For someone who loves dressing up so much, I've somewhat surprised myself at my lack of excitement over all of the frilly formalness of weddings. I can't talk myself into the invitations with flowy cursive and the bouquets with flowers arranged into a ball. I mostly just want to email everyone we know and say, "Come to our party! It will be sooo fun!" However, I understand that this is socially unacceptable and I am working to find a happy medium.

In other news, I taught about Chinese New Year today in social studies and read a book which had loads of information in it like how they set off fireworks and have parades and the kids were really into it. #1 comment which made continued teaching for the sake of concrete knowledge of the Chinese culture a sure-go for tomorrow: "Can you eat fireworks?"


At 6:41 PM, Blogger Lori said...

Hey-- I went to Petals and Postings downtown and they had tons of great ideas and creative things to do un-wedding like wedding invitations. They don't have to be frilly, lacy, heart-sy, and any other great vomit-inducing words for the gushy wedding stuff.

They can even design them for you. Although I'd suggest if you have a strict budget, be careful what you pick out when they design it-- it can get expensive if you do lots of details to it.

I read you found your dress! How exciting! Did your mom cry? Ryan's mom? Get used to it.. tears will happen from moms at the drop of a dime! :)


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