Ooooh. This was a LONG dry spell. I'm afraid I've lost all of my groupies. *sigh*
A letter to Sarah Palin.
Dear Sarah Palin,
First of all, I want to tell you that I think that it's cool that you're a governor of a big state and all. In a cold state too, which I give you props for because I freaking HATE being cold. You're probably cold all the time. That would suck.
Also, I want to tell you that I feel bad that you're getting all ripped up because you don't know a lot of government... stuff... I'm pretty sure that a lot of other governors don't know a ton either.
HOWEVER, since you are running for vice president under a really old potential president, I need to tell you, as a fellow American sister, that I make a lot of fun of you behind your back. I have forgone any Saturday night plans the last couple of weeks to catch Tina Fey also make fun of you.
I do wish to state that I watched your debate and was somewhat surprised that you (sort of) held your own. On the other hand, the whole Joe Six-Pack thing is REALLY sexist and ridiculous sounding and I was annoyed that you kept diverting all of the questions. Mostly though, I would like to inform you that the politically correct way to speak of people with special needs is PERSON FIRST. For instance, "I have a child with special needs," which is the opposite of your statement that you have a special needs child which pissed me right off because you should know this both as a v.p. candidate and as a MOTHER. That was lame.
I do think that you are pretty though. And you wore high heels through the entire debate and I bet the floor was hard on your feet because I know it would have been on mine.
Sara A. Stockinger