I'm busy. Too much. When is December here when these two classes are done?
Being too busy sucks.
Fortunately, it hasn't stopped me from planning wonderful lessons for my students which have included:
-How to pick your nose with a kleenex so that you don't have to dig it out with your dirty, dirty finger.
-How to clean off your shoes without licking them. Literally. Tongue to rubber. Which I caught two different students doing.
-That it is rude to tell another child's parent "You have a big nose!" and laugh. And say it three times in a row. Even though your teacher was hoping that the first time they didn't hear. Just KEEP on saying it. Cool.
-That hitting another kid in the back with a stick will actually get you suspended as it turns out.
-That saying "I can't hold my caca in anymore" is not an appropriate nor socially acceptable way to ask to use the restroom.
I've been very busy teaching.
I bought a little, tiny hamster this weekend at the grocery store to make myself feel better. It's our class pet. The kids come up and whisper "Good morning" to it when they get to school. I'm taming it. It's only jumped out of my hands and fallen on the floor twice. At home- the kids didn't see. I have D's sister (for those of you who know D) this year and she named it Sophie. The other options were Gracie, Cleany ("Because she cleans herself a lot"), and Eater. We voted. Sophie won. I would have been okay with Cleany though. It would have made Catboy feel less like a weirdo with his name.