In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Friday, November 25, 2005

I am thankful for Mango and the Mariah Carey Christmas album.

Happy Thanksgiving (yesterday)! I am at home in the house I grew up in since I was 7... and I haven't taken my pajamas off since Wednesday night. Seriously. Showering is soooo much work.

Since I am discovering what a big fan of lists I am, I will not disappoint. Here is a breakdown of what I've done since leaving my home at 4:00pm on Wednesday:
1. Drove in four hours what usually takes me two to get home. For the first two hours, I was all over the Mariah Carey Christmas album, (which prompted one guy in a truck to wave at me and laugh), for the first two hours. The second two hours I spent trying to remember the meaning of Christmas and not curse out everyone who was going 20 mph on roads that could have handled at least 50.
2. Discovered that Mango, one of my favorite European stores, is now coming to America. This was discovered in Lucky, the shopping magazine that my father buys for me whenever I come home. The first time he discovered this magazine for me he brought it home saying, "Look Sara! It's a magazine all about shopping! Just for you!" He was correct.
3. Watched 'The Interpreter'. It was pretty good- I've been wanting to see it. However, it made me have a weird fighting dream, the second one in a row. I can't remember why I was beating up the guy in my dream last night, but the night before I layed into a girl who was trying to sell me a $150 desk for $300. I'm not sure what that means. Feel free to psychoanalyze me on that one...
4. Organized my Egypt pictures into folders on my computer. This took forever. I went through over 1,100 pictures of temples, pyramids, and the Nile. 1,100. F-O-R-E-V-E-R.

And now, it is about that time where I should bathe. My dad and my plans for the day are as follows (with my dad's comments on each in parenthesis): go to see the newly renovated Flint Institute of Arts ("With a new coffee and cheesecake shop! That's all we care about anyway..."), eat at a Middle Eastern restaurant ("We can go because no one else will go with me."), Borders ("I don't like Borders anymore. They downsized their art section to just photography coffee table books and ones about how to watercolor."), and to cut down a Christmas tree ("I thought we'd just go to the Salvation Army and get one of those forever trees. Mom would love that..."). My dad is the second reason why I am still single. He's awfully hard to compete with. :)


At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sara - Sounds like you and Craig had fun...he didn't mention all the interesting stuff that you were gonna do in his email. Hope the cheesecake was fun...and thank God I didn't have to look at 1,100 of your Egypt photos!!! Just send along some good Mariah Carey photos instead.

At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell-o Little Sara,
Thanks for coming home. I am fondling the ancient Egyptian pottery chard you snuck out of Egypt. (opps). The t-shirt is quite an unusual fit, perhaps it is a mummy shroud.
I imagine Cat Boy enjoys walking without having something swatting at his back legs.
When I used to visit dad he said it was always a little sad when I left, I better understand that now.


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