Back when I was a bagger, things were different.
I used to work as a grocery store bagger in high school. I was really good at it because I'm so anal about organization. I would pick and choose items to bag so that everything fit very efficiently and logically. Just because toothpaste comes in a box does not mean that it should necessarily go with the cereal boxes, for example. Or that you should put cans and two-liters together. So now, everytime I checkout with my own groceries, I take all of the items out of the cart in a specific order so everything is already sorted and organized on the moving belt. And ever since working in the grocery store, I have harbored this secret dream of one of the baggers telling me, "Wow! These are already all in order!" And I'd say, humbly, "Oh... I used to be a bagger a long time ago." But they always just f. up my job and I end up with frozen peas next to my macaroni box. The incompetency is disgusting.