In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Sunday, November 27, 2005

I am a martini drinking lumberjack.

Back in Kalamazoo. Went to church this morning. I love my church here. I feel so comfortable and welcome there that it doesn't matter what kind of mood I'm in- I still always want to go. On the way home yesterday I stopped and bought the two newest Shane & Shane cds. They are fab-u-lous worship cds and I have them on repeat right now on the cd player I stole from my sister when I was home and she wasn't this weekend. :) (I should insert a note here stating that my friend Dustin is personally responsible for the purchase of these cds as well as for introducing me to half of the music links I have on the right...)

I'm trying to clean my apartment and decorate today, (notice my Avatar is decorating too. She does everything I tell her), so I just wanted to post a couple of pictures and stop distracting myself. At least for about another hour... The first is of me cutting down our Christmas tree with my dad on Friday. My middle name is Lumberjack. Sara Lumberjack Hinshaw. You can start calling me Lumberjack for short if you want to. The next is from The Union last night, (where I had a rasberry truffle and a chocolate mint martini in case you wondered), out for my friend Rob's birthday. (Who, for some reason, didn't get in any of my pictures...) It is a comfortable thing to have friends like these of mine who I've had for ages now. And I love them.

And finally, a bit of C.S. Lewis's book The Four Loves which I am reading, because I think it is beautiful:
"There is indeed a peculiar charm, both in friendship and in Eros, about those moments when Appreciative Love lies, as it were, curled up asleep, and the mere ease and ordinariness of the relationship (free as solitude, yet neither is alone) wraps us round. No need to talk. No need to make love. No needs at all except perhaps to stir the fire."


At 12:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sara... It seems like you have blogged before, I am not sure what to look for in a blogger, but whaterver it is, you have it. You grab the attention of any reader (especially when they are named in the blog) Keep the life comin, and I suggest that you go out and buy the book Velvet Elvis, by Rob Bell, it is pretty much what needs to happen in church for things to really get turned up for God, I want to set something up here in Abilene like a discussion group to discuss life and what it looks like to follow what the bible says. Even the difficult stuff, even when we don't know exactly whats going on. Either way, have tons of fun for me!


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