In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Today I didn't go to work. Because I didn't feel like it. So, that was good. So, while I was driving around doing errands, I saw this dog sticking it's head out a car window and it had purple bows in it's ears. It wasn't even a poodle dog- it was some kind of, like, hunting-type dog. I felt really bad for it. I gave it sympathy eyes when I drove past. Which made me think of this dog that my babysitter had when I was little. It was this little, white poodle and it's name was Pepi. It was a boy, but they always had bows in its hair and painted its toenails purple. And it's penis was always out which makes me puke in my mouth. I hate poodle dogs. Also, I hate white dogs. White dogs always get orange hair around their mouths and butts. It's so sick. White dogs should just evolve out of existance. For their own sake as much as for mine. If I was a white dog, I'd be mortified having to walk around with an orange muzzle and butt.

And I'm going to buy a house too! So, that's exciting. That has nothing to do with white dogs, but it's exciting anyway.


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