In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I went and saw the new Pirates movie last Friday on opening night- which wasn't my idea, but it's cool. I've never been to the opening night of anything. While standing in the concession stand line, (where I was ordering nachos because I had made an impromptu decision before the movie that using my free panties coupon for Victoria's Secret and buying two different gray shirts from Banana Republic was more important than eating dinner), there was a girl in front of me wearing an eye patch. Eye patches are pretty cool to wear to the opening of a new Pirate's movie when you're, like 20, I guess. If you suck. And are a total DORK. Whatev.

*Sidenote: I started saying 'Whatev' a few weeks ago because it was amusing for a while. Now, it's sort of become a habit and I am becoming obnoxious to myself. I am trying to quit. I really shouldn't even say 'Whatever', because that's obnoxious, too. But not as loser-fabulous as wearing an eyepatch to a Pirates movie. Anyway...

So, in the movie, there is this crew of men who have sold their souls to Davey Jones or something- point being that they are sort of half-man, half-sea creatures. This one guy was a hammerhead shark man and I'm not kidding, it was terrifying. I kind of wanted to hold Muca's hand who was sitting next to me. Freaking man face on a hammerhead head. I didn't even notice that there were eyes on the sides of the sides of his hammerhead head until halfway through the movie. Big Fat Yuck.

I don't do well with scary things. I once had an intern teacher when I was in 4th grade who was trying to win all of us over and had us read a scary story during reading time that was supposedly true. This little girl lived in a home that was haunted and she said that she saw a pig come into her room every night with a man's face and talk to her.

Actually, now that I type that, maybe my problem isn't so much with scary things as it is with animals with human faces. They should be called manimals. Good point, Sar, good point.


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