In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Monday, November 28, 2005

My rant.

This is a bitter entry. Don't read it if you don't want to listen to me complain. You've been warned...

So... it would be really nice to be interested in someone and not only have them be interested back, but to be able to DO something about it... THAT would be nice. In the last few years, guys I have dated, (or more like non-dated as they were never totally established), have included a co-worker, an athiest, and a guy who was more interested in aquatic plants than me (oh- ask me to tell you that story in person...). I am not sure why I end up around guys who I know I would never date seriously, (I just want a Christian boy who makes me laugh!)- it's a bit messed up. I always know it's bad when I ask my guy friends their opinons and they look at me perplexed and say something to the effect of, "Babe, I have NO idea what he's thinking" or, better yet, "Maybe he's gay..." Oh. Ok. When my trusted boys can't figure out why so-and-so is acting the way he is, I start worrying. I am somewhat concerned that if I finally do find someone I'm interested in and he feels the same AND asks me to actually do something, I might propose to him on the spot, without thinking twice. I am beginning to feel that these guys are few and far between. I must snatch one quickly.

And while we're on the subject, I would like to ask my beloved readers to please refrain from saying any of the following responses to anyone who is single: (I pray that I remember this when eventually I do find someone...)
1. Being in a relationship is really overrated anyway.
2. You're not missing out! Seriously!
3. Just wait till you're married... You'll see what I mean.
4. You're still young!
5. You've got your whole life to be worrying about that!
6. What about your friend so-and-so? He's nice... (I get this a lot because of my guy friends. I would probably kill most of them in a relationship- know them too well and heard WAY too many girl stories... :) )
7. You should do one of those online dating things!

99.9% of the people who say these things are in a relationship. While I appreciate your concern, you unfortunately lose the right to make sympathetic comments of this nature to single people once you are taken. I'm sorry. It is a better option to badmouth the guy who is hurting my feelings. I'm sorry about that too, but that's the truth. Ask any girl- it works wonders. (Until he stops being a jerk and she likes him again- then you have to pretend like you both weren't talking about how he wasn't worth it three days ago.) I am here to educate.

To end this rant on a positive note, I have made some best friends out of the guys I have non-dated. You know who you are and I am so thankful for you! :)

Also, my sister shot her first deer over the weekend. I am including a picture of her below, (with her permission). She cried even though she was proud. I told her that this was the most disgusting picture I had ever seen. And that I was going to put it on my blog immediately.


At 7:50 PM, Blogger Lola said...

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At 7:51 PM, Blogger Lola said...

p.s. who in the world told you to do an online dating thing?? also, they're is a winner of a card coming your way, check your mailbox... :)

At 10:04 PM, Blogger Lola said...

And.. for my third post. That first comment seemed funny at first. And then, later... really wierd. So I deleted it.

At 1:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey honey... you know I totally hear you on the boy thing and they can be stupid sometimes!! You know that you are more than welcome to call me so we can rant together!! :) We both know that some guy is CRAZY not to be with us! Have a great rest of the week and I shall talk to you soon!


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