In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Two things that happened today.

1. Two of my students were arguing with each other.
Kevin: "Your head looks like a toilet. A PUBLIC toilet."
Natallie. "Shut up. Your HAIR looks like a public toilet."

It was the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard in my life. Ever.

2. While at my friend Jen's tonight, we got on the subject of the marathon because these were the hooligans whom I was with when I registered a couple of weeks ago. Brian, whose registration the COMPUTER messed up, has still not registered. I have informed him in no uncertain terms that I will punch him in his face if he does not register. After all that work I went through for him to get him out of the mess I got him into. Rude. He said that he could see me coming around the corner at school (we work together) and hitting him in the face with a frying pan, or maybe a beaker since beakers are easier to get in a school. I would never hit someone in the face with a beaker though. It would break and cut someone's face up and be disgusting. Upon realizing this, I am also reconsidering any previously entertained thoughts about becoming a bar brawler. I could never break a bottle over someone's head.


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