In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

One of the dumbest things I've ever done in my whole life.

For my 21st birthday, my friend Jik got me a bottle of peach flavored wine. Now, this was before I was schooled in alcohol, which you should keep in mind when you want to tell me later how stupid I am. ANYWAY, I put the wine in the freezer. Because you can put vodka in the freezer. All that wine wanted was to be put in the freezer and treated equally. So, I did it. Here wine- Fine. Go to the freezer.

So. A few hours later, I go to get wine out, and wine was all frozen up. Frozen right up. The glass was still attached, but it was all broken apart like a puzzle. Now, I am one of those people who feels bad when something happens to something a friend got me. So, I decide that, instead of throwing it away, I'll just thaw it out. Things go downhill from here. I progressively got dumber as the night wore on. I'm going to number them to downplay my dumbness.

1. I try to pick the glass pieces off of the frozen wine. I cut my finger open.
2. I put it into a bowl in the sink to thaw the wine and let the glass fall off.
3. My roommate accidentally turns on the faucet and gets some water in my thawing wine.
4. Wine thaws.
5. I pick out the big pieces of glass.
6. I realize that there are some little pieces in there.
7. I call my dad because I figure he'll know about this kind of stuff. He does. He tells me to use pantyhose to sift out the glass because it would be an efficient strainer.
8. I use the pantyhose idea. It's a good idea. Well, it's a good idea, but for an idea that is very, very dumb.
9. At this point I have, like, a glass of wine out of the whole ordeal. I try to get Lola to take a sip. She says absolutely not. Rude. I think I had a few drinks so that I wouldn't feel like Jik's thoughtful present went to waste.
10. I tell Jik that his wine was amazing.


At 12:07 AM, Blogger Lola said...

That was totally rude of me. I apologize. It's not that I don't like glassy wine. It's just that, when I drink glass shards, I have this bleedy feeling for a few days after. In retrospect, I should have had a sip. What's a few pieces of glass churning through your intestines when there's peach wine to be had? :)


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