In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

My favorite game.

So I am starting to feel bad that you guys are leaving me comments and I don't respond. I guess it's not like emailing and then me not emailing you back but... I still feel bad. So I'm going to try to start responding to your comments on the comment page you left one on. So even if you never check, I'll get rid of this incredible guilt that is keeping me up at night. So thanks a lot.

Also, you should respond to this question: Would you rather have a face like a cat or not have a nose- just those two holes?

(It should be explained that this is Laura Winther and my favorite game. It is imperitive to go beyond the "Would you rather have no arms or no legs" crap. That is for babies and amatures. Also, none of that nonsense like "I'd have no nose because then I could get plastic surgery and put one on." NO. No, No, No. Take it as it is- no alterations. I also do not care if you all think I am a nut job right now. Most of you know me well enough to have had to play this game before with me. And I probably am a little unbalanced anyway. So answer the question.)

Here are my thoughts: I would rather have a face like a cat. I don't really like either option, but those nose holes creep me right out. It's like a skeleton with skin. Granted, I would probably die very much alone if I had a cat face, but I think that maybe I could still manage to talk to some people out of the sheer weirdness of it. Or maybe they would just think it was a mask or something. At least long enough to get to know me. No nose... too freaky for me.

Now you... :)


At 8:40 AM, Blogger Lola said...

I, surprisingly, would also rather have a cat face. At least if I had a cat face, some magazines would probably want to interview me and learn about my rare cat-face disease. Everyone would want to try and understand and help my cause. I could bring light and understanding to the world of catfaces. Plus, if I used Nair, I probably wouldn't look all that terribly wierd. Okay, I'd look wierd. If you don't have a nose, you're just freaky looking. I just saw the new Harry Potter movie, and the evil guy in it didn't have a nose, and I couldn't concentrate on anything else besides his creep-o nose holes.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger Sara said...

I think that is very selfless of you to want to help out fellow catfaces. It doesn't get much better than a selfless catface.

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too would rather have a cat face. No nose and just two holes... combined with the mouth it would just remind me too much of a bowling ball. I think that after a while people would get used to the cat face and pet your head kind of like rubbing a bald guy's head for good luck. Besides, girls are always saying how cute cats are; maybe this would improve my situation! Having no nose presents other complications as well. How would you wear glasses? You can't do the spoon hanging trick. And there is no good way of hiding a cold. If you've got snot, everybody knows.

At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sara for some reason I find the idea of no nose appealing, however the only reason it would be appealing is because I could wear a pirate’s patch over the two holes. No kid at school would mess with a guy with a nose patch? well that is at least for the first five minutes it would take them to figure out what the thing was.

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Sara said...

That answer was freaking hysterical. I particularly enjoyed the bowling ball analogy. And the petting, while slightly disturbing, was enjoyable as well. Nicely done.

At 10:04 PM, Blogger Sara said...

Would this pirate patch have some sort of crossbones on it or just black? Perhaps you should try this out with a couple of different options at school so if this ever happened to someone you knew, you could tell them with authority that so-and-so version was most appropriate to the situation. :)


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