In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The most awkward conversation I have had in a long time.

When I flushed my cell phone down the toilet in February, I lost my friend Charley's phone number and had no other way to get ahold of him which made me very sad because Charley is very, very funny. So today, because it is break and I have nothing better to do, I decided to look back through some of my journals from when I studied in London which is how I met Charley. So low and behold! There is a number in there from Charley and I think, 'What the hell' and give it a call.

So pay attention because here's where it starts becoming incredibly awkward.

This woman answers and I ask if this is Charley's phone number and she says yes. So I start this unneccesarily long explanation (because I tend to do that) about how I flushed my phone down the toilet in February and I lost Charley's number and had no way to get ahold of him and I think he's great blahblahblah. So then she says, "I'm his wife." And this is plausible because getting married is the totally cool thing to do these days. Unless you're me. Another story. Anyway, so I try to explain that I went to London with him a few years ago and she says, really strangely, "So did I..." And at this point I'm thinking, why is she being all weird- and should I know her? Did she go with us? And all of a sudden she says, "OH! You're talking about my SON!" And when she says that it dawns on me that this whole time she's probably been thinking that I'm some mistress of her husband's and that we were having some affair in London. And after that, we were best friends and she hooked me up with Charley's new number and I called him immediately and told him that I just accidentally made his mom think that his dad is cheating on her with me. Hello, my name is Sara and I am an accidental homewrecker.


At 8:12 PM, Blogger Lola said...

Tell that story again, about how your phone got flushed down the toilet. Also, this reminds me of the time you called Michael's dad, so you should tell that one too. HAHAHA! I've known you forever and you can't get away from the stories!!

At 8:34 PM, Blogger Sara said...

I don't want to talk about those stories... They make me sound like an alcoholic. And I made them up anyway. Yeah. Those were made up...


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