In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Pretty random.

Today I was in the same kindergarten class as yesterday. It went much smoother than yesterday, and I think everyone even got home with all of their winter clothes. Except for one girl who said that she forgot her coat in her mom's car on the way to school so she didn't have one. Which she either completely lied about or completed deluded herself into believing because on the way out to the busses her mom picked her up and started walking her back inside, gave me a mom-look, and told me that she left her coat inside... Eh- you win some, you lose some.

Favorite kindergarten insult I heard today: DooDoo Man. DooDooHead = not so funny. DooDoo Man = hysterical. It's like a superhero name. Superhero of DooDoo. I turned my head to laugh this time. I am trying...

I am feeling like doodoo a bit myself. (Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Doodoo by itself is an awkward word... Pretend I said crap if it is bothering you.) I have a sore throat so I went out and bought some sort of liquid tylenol pm stuff that is for sore throats and colds. It's supposed to be wintergreen... It does not smell like wintergreen. I will probably plug my nose and pretend like I am tasting wintergreen.

My most recent music obsession is Jeremy Camp. I added his music link on the right. He is amazing.

I did not go work out tonight. I used my feeling like crap as an excuse, but now I am feeling crappy for not working out. The other day when I was at the rec I passed a guy on the inside of the track. He ran up to me and asked how far I was running at that pace and I said just a couple of miles for a warm up. He was chatty-chatterton and started asking me about running and how much I ran. I told him that I usually ran between 3-6 miles, depending on the day and my mood. Him: "So you like the short distances?"
Me: "Um... I'd say that's probably medium..." (Thinking, how many people do you know that even do that, Mr. Come-up-and-start-a-convo-on-the-track?)
Him: "Yeah, I guess so. I run marathons."
Good for you Mr. Marathon. Calling my distance short. Just because I don't run 25 miles at once... Whatever. He was actually pretty nice, but still. C'mon. Don't insult a runner and then try to one-up them. If that situation ever presented itself again I'd be like, "Yeah, I run freaking marathons in my SLEEP! They call me Sleep Marathon Girl. Maybe you've heard of me." Or something like that. I'm sure it would be VERY witty.

I hope you all have decorated for Christmas. It makes me happy everytime I look at my tree. I have this evergreen smelling room spray that I spray on it. I like the smell and it makes the tree feel more like a REAL tree. It's been a good tree to me. I do what I can.


At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sara LUMBERJACK Hinshaw and you don't even have a real tree!?

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...I don't even have a tree. (said shamefully)

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Sara said...

I hope you've learned a lesson Cory. It isn't nice to insult people. I hope you feel very bad.


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