In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Things I did when I was little and, thankfully, no longer do:

1. Run the sink water after going to the bathroom to make it sound like I was washing my hands when I really wasn't because it took too long. I stopped doing this when I realized that, in the time it took to 'trick' everyone into thinking I was washing my hands, I could have actually washed my hands.
2. Eat my boogers. (I don't believe people who say they never at least tried this. They are liars and not to be trusted.)
3. Skip washing my hair.
4. Hide when I saw a boy I liked. Once at my sister's soccer game I was doing my homework in the car. (Probably around 4th grade.) I saw my crush Billy something-or-other walking towards our car and I hid in the wheel well. He not only saw me, but had the nerve to ask what I was doing curled up in a ball on the floor of the car. I don't remember what I said. Probably something thoughtful like, "IIIIIII don't know."
5. Study in the shower. I devised this ingenious contraption which consisted of a big ziplock baggie hanging on a suction hook under the shower head. I would put my spelling words in this baggie so I could study while I was washing my hair.

All signs point to me being a shy, filthy, dork. This is where I should thank those of you who remained friends with me through these years. I promise I am reformed.

Don't stop hanging out with me.


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