In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Saturday nonsense.

I got sucked into doing Myspace. I couldn't help it. I am physically unable to resist the temptation of anything related to socializing. This is also the reason why the following scenario often takes place:

Setting: Middle of the night, me in bed, cell phone rings

(Insert random friend's name here): Come out with us!
Me: I'm in bed asleep. And I have stuff to do tomorrow.
Friend: Put some clothes on and come out!
Me: Ok.

I am very easily convinced.

On another note, I talked to my principal for a long time after school yesterday. Obviously I am not a racist and she told me not to worry about it- them's the breaks sometimes when you're a white teacher in a primarily black school. And anyway, calling someone a racist who has only had teaching experience in inner city schools, lived in Harlem last year, and taught in the South Bronx is completely ridiculous. Be serious.

Favorite comments this week at school:
-On my wearing a skirt, heels, and conservative fishnet stockings to school this week one 5th grader said to me, "Ms. Hinshaw- You're looking fancy today!"
-One of my 6th graders said to a friend, "What the Hello Kitty are you talking about?"

And funniest kid this week goes to Mikey- a 2nd grader who stutters (it is still considered cute at this age) and once stole a quarter from the Hurricane Katrina class fund while I was subbing in his class- has taken to hugging me everytime he sees me. While this is normal, he has recently begun grabbing my... a@@... while doing it. I mean, a hand on each cheek. At first I thought that it was just his height which is level to my butt, but now I'm starting to wonder. It reminds me of Billy Madison when Billy pretends to fall on the bus and grabs Ms. Veronica Vaughn's boobs. :) That's gonna need to be addressed...


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