In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Friday, February 10, 2006

Things about my personality that might make you reconsider hanging out with me:

1. I talk to my cat. I do not mean like, "Here's your food, kitty." No. It is more along the lines of, "Catboy, I have no idea how I am going to pay these bills. How come I have no money?" or "Crap, Catboy. I totally forgot to buy hotdogs today." or "Where did I put those candles the other day?"

2. Sometimes when I'm having a bad day, (or sometimes when I'm not), I like to run through in my mind where all of my clothes and accessories are from. I realize that this makes me sound incredibly shallow. I'm ok with it. For instance, "I got these jeans from France, my shirt is from H&M in NYC, my necklace is from Italy, my bra/underwear set is Victoria's, my watch is from Switzerland, etc..." It sounds even more shallow when I actually type it out. However, doing this makes me feel much better, as though I am saying "Yeah, whatever Bad Day. Have you been to France to buy cute jeans? Yeah. Didn't think so."

One of my favorite shallow books has this part in it.
"I don't look bad, I think. I'm wearing my black skirt from French Connection, and a plain white T-shirt from Knickerbox, and a little angora cardigan which I got from M&S but looks like it might be Agnes b. And my new square-toed shoes from Hobbes. Even better, although no one can see them, I know that underneath I'm wearing my gorgeous new matching knickers and bra with embroidered yellow rosebuds. They're the best bit of my entire outfit. In fact, I almost wish I could be run over so that the world would see them."
-Confessions of a Shopaholic, by Sophie Kinsella

When I read it I thought, "I can't believe someone else does that!" It was a bit of a relief, honestly.

3. I can't tell time very well. I especially get nervous when a stranger asks me the time. Instead of telling them, I will awkwardly turn my wrist so that they can read it off of my watch, which really just results in an even more uncomfortable situation because usually they can't read it very well and have to sort of stoop over to be able to see the face. Probably most times they don't even get the time, but walk away pretending like they did just so they don't have to deal with my weirdness.

4. Whenever I cry, I always end up in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet. I have no idea why this is. Perhaps because I'm always running out of Kleenex and need the toilet paper? I don't think so though because even when I do have it, I'm in there. It's like sitting on the toilet when I'm bawling makes me feel better. It's weird.

5. It really bothers me when people misuse 's. When things are plural, you just put an s on the end. Cats. Dogs. Apples. When you are showing ownership, you put an apostrophe and an s. Sar's apartment. Catboy's litter box. When I used to work at VG's Supermarket in high school, the bakery would write on their chalkboard sign, "Roll's On Sale." I would always walk by and erase the apostrophe off. Seriously. Get it straight. You're annoying me.

6. I talk out loud and say mean things to people when there are people being all coupley on the tv. For example, when watching a show involving a date or a wedding where the people talk about how much they love each other and blahblahblah, my response is usually something sarcastic to the effect of "Oh, I'm so happy for you" or "Yes, I'm very excited, too." This is typically accompanied by me making a mean face at the tv and then turning the channel. I bet they can feel it. That'll teach them to be disgustingly cute when I'm sitting here watching tv alone and talking to inanimate objects. Or to my cat.

That's enough for now. I have to save some things for myself you know.


At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sara, I will take full responsibility for you sitting on the toilet. When you were very tiny, you liked your potty chair sooo much that you would drag it in from the bathroom and sit on it and watch the Muppet Show. I guess I should have made you sit on the couch wrapped up in a blanket or something. Sorry. Love, Mumma


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