In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Upon my absence...

Man, have I sucked at updating lately or what? Here's what I've been doing:

-Saying good-bye to my favorite baseball boys- Kev and Frenchy (People shouldn't move away after I become friends with them. It's seriously rude.)

-Checking my bank account every few hours to see if, by some monetary miracle, a few thousand dollars somehow appears there, as I have to pay some $2,000+ in a week for a house. A house that I bought. I bought a house. I'm going to live in it. I'll have a housewarming party and you're invited. Unless I don't know you- then you're not. No offense. I just, you know, I don't know you.

-Teaching summer school. 6 days left. Enough said.

-Running. Um... a lot. With Brian whose poor body is constantly in shambles. He will be fine though because if anything went wrong, I would punch one of you in the face. I don't know who, but someone.

-Downloading songs by Fink (specifically the Pretty Little Thing/So Long EP) and Emiliana Torrini (specifically the Fisherman's Woman cd).

That's all I got right now. I promise to be more alert to my surroundings so as to make fun of them on here next time.

Frenchy, Kev, and I at my favorite bar: Wayside. And by favorite, I mean that I hate it.
Neighbors! Except now Kev is in Ann Arbor, across the state...
Frenchy! Relocated to Seattle. Which sucks.


At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Should have mentioned Emiliana Torrini to you... I love her music, and then I could have had another one of the people you recommend be from me.


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