In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Thoughts on a Sunday night before going to Lola's because she said that if I bring wine, she'd make me dinner.

I do not think that spiders should have a body any bigger than a large pinhead. Any bigger than that and they sick me right out. Spiders should not burst when you smash them. One did today in my garage. Sick.

I threw away $50 this week. My free pink RAZR phone? Yeah. I threw away the box so that I can't send in the UPC code for the rebate. So I bought my free RAZR phone now for $50. Good deal.

I bought a ticket to go to NYC for two days in September. Damn Spirit airlines was having a sale for their birthday where you could buy tickets for $16. Spirit got me all convinced that I can afford to go to NYC just because the flights are cheap. Spirit TOTALLY knew that I have been DYING for these super cute headphones for months now that you can only buy in NYC. Also, that I'm starting to go through H&M withdrawls. And, let's face it, I know the most fabulous people in the city, and I'm missing them and going out with them something awful. So Spirit can try to convince me that I'm going to visit for virtually free, but I know better. Sneaky Spirit.

Finally, I have a lot of stuff. I don't know how it all fit into my apartment. It was a miracle. Or it's freaking multiplying, which is totally plausible.


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