In this quiet little place...

Proverbs 31:25-26&30

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Things I could only life without if I really, really had to.

1. Lip gloss. I freaking love lip gloss. It's actually past a love relationship. It's more like an addiction actually. I love all kinds of lip gloss. A tried and true version that I especially love is Rosebud Perfume Co. Strawberry Lip Balm. It smells fabulous, it's shiny without being sticky, it actually makes dry lips feel better, and you can even use it on dry skin as a balm. Heaven in a pot. A really cute pot.

2. Trident gum. Original. I love lip gloss more, but Trident and lip gloss are on the same level of addiction. Trident holds it's taste just long enough for me to want to spit it out anyway, and it isn't this huge burst of flavor that some gums do that makes me feel like I'm swallowing mouthwash. Plus, a whole bunch of sticks are in one pack; especially beneficial for the addict in me.

3. My Ipod. I know that I haven't had it long enough to fit the time test neccessary for this particular list, but some form of music player will forever be on the list. I can't imagine going through life without music. I COULD imagine life without running into my house with my car while trying to select music, but... c'est la vie.

4. My rings. I have 4 silver rings that I never take off: a thin silver band with crosses all around it that I wear stacked with a thinner band that says 'faith', a Claddagh ring Lola got me from Ireland, and a toe ring I got from France. I feel naked without them on. Well, maybe not naked, but weird anyway. Weirdly naked?

5. Catboy. Even when he eats all of my ponytail holders and kitchen twist-ties, even when his crap makes me want to puke in my mouth, even when he gets hair ALL OVER THE FREAKING HOUSE ALL YEAR LONG AS THOUGH HE SHOULD BE COMPLETELY, UTTERLY HAIRLESS, I still love him. We talk a lot about my day. He doesn't say much about his day because when he does it pisses me off because all he does is complain about how I turn the heat down to 60' during the day and it's hard for him to take naps like that. (You can ignore that last part if it makes me sound so crazy you don't want to be friends with me anymore.)

6. My journals. I've kept journals for-EVA. I love them. All really cool and smart people keep journals.

That's all I can think of right now. I feel as though I need to get something posted soon to stop people from asking me when I'm going to post a new one. So here. And here's a picture of my highly entertaining Hinshaw cousins. Just because I didn't have sunglasses on does not mean I'm uncool. I just... didn't have any sunglasses. OK?! Ok. Good. Because I AM cool.


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